Personal laser
therapy device
Recovery & Pain Relief Technology
Now Available For Pets
Personal laser
therapy device
Recovery & Pain Relief Technology
Now Available For Pets
B-Cure-Laser is a world leader in advanced
personal LLLT Technology for non-invasive,
natural treatment – B Cure Laser Vet and B Cure Laser Vet Pro are Recommended by Veterinarians for home-use therapy. It is time to get our furry
More than
300,000 devices
Sold Worldwide!
What can you treat with B-Cure Laser Vet?
Select Condition
- Hip Dysplasia (Arthritis)
- Back Pain / IVDD / Disc / Arthritis
- Chronic Otitis / Ear Infection
- ACL Tear / CCL Tear / Knee Pain
- Elbow Osteoarthritis
- Gingivitis, Periodontitis, Stomatitis
- Wounds and Burns
- See More

Front view
Back view
Part of the body affected
- All body parts
- Facial Nerve Paralysis
- Additional Treatments
- Wound healing, poorly healing wounds, acral lick granuloma
- Elbow Osteoarthritis
- Chronic Otitis / Ear Infection
- Back Pain / IVDD / Disc / Arthritis
- ACL Tear / CCL Tear / Knee Pain
- Rupture Anal Sacs and Fistulas
- Neck Pain
- Gingivitis, Periodontitis, Stomatitis
- Pododermatitis
- All the body
- Hip Arthritis and Dysplasia
- Additional Treatments

Which Model is the Best for you and your pet
For professional & Home users
Recommended for:
- Any pet owner as an everyday LLLT treatment at home.
- Pets with sort or light fur
- Fast recovery and effective treatment.
- Energy Per Minute - Joule: 5 J/Min
- Laser Pulse Duration - μs : 26
- Max Power: 250 mW
- Wavelength (infrared): 808 nM
For everyday use
Recommended for:
- Any pet owner as an everyday LLLT treatment at home.
- Pets with sort or light fur
- Fast recovery and effective treatment.
- Energy Per Minute - Joule: 4.5 J/Min
- Laser Pulse Duration - μs : 11.4
- Max Power: 250 mW
- Wavelength (infrared): 808 nM
For professional & Home users
Recommended for:
- Any pet owner as an everyday LLLT treatment at home.
- Pets with sort or light fur
- Fast recovery and effective treatment.
- Energy Per Minute - Joule: 5 J/Min
- Laser Pulse Duration - μs : 26
- Max Power: 250 mW
- Wavelength (infrared): 808 nM
For everyday use
Recommended for:
- Any pet owner as an everyday LLLT treatment at home.
- Pets with sort or light fur
- Fast recovery and effective treatment.
- Energy Per Minute - Joule: 4.5 J/Min
- Laser Pulse Duration - μs : 11.4
- Max Power: 250 mW
- Wavelength (infrared): 808 nM

by veterinarians


2 Year

Backed by
The effectiveness of B-Cure Laser Vet is clinically proven and recommended
by leading veterinarians worldwide.
Here are a few of them:
Cheif Veterinarian, USA
Cheif Veterinarian, USA
Head of Vets4Pets Animal Clinic

Backed by
The effectiveness of B-Cure Laser Vet
is clinically proven and recommended
by leading veterinarians worldwide.
Here are a few of them:
Dr. Richard Kane, DVM
Cheif Veterinarian, USA
Dr. Richard Kane, DVM
Cheif Veterinarian, USA
Dr. Richard Kane, DVM
Cheif Veterinarian, USA
Cheif Veterinarian, USA
Cheif Veterinarian, USA
Head of Vets4Pets Animal Clinic
Our customers

teddy & amy
Using B-Cure Laser Vet, Amy managed
to reduce Teddy’s pain
and inflammation,
and accelerate the healing of his infections.

Nicole and Brian with Their dog, Sammy
“Sammy loves sitting with us during
the short treatments. He seems happier”

Donny & Jenny
“The laser light reduces
inflammation at the points
where Donny really seems to get sore”

Carol & David
with their Dog: Max
“The veterinarian significantly
lowered Max’s medication”
Our customers

teddy & amy
Using B-Cure Laser Vet, Amy managed
to reduce Teddy’s pain and inflammation, and accelerate the healing of his infections.

Nicole and Brian with Their dog, Sammy
“Sammy loves sitting with us during
the short treatments. He seems happier”

Donny & Jenny
“The laser light reduces
inflammation at the points
where Donny really seems to get sore”

Carol & David
with their Dog: Max
“The veterinarian significantly
lowered Max’s medication”
Treatment with B-Cure Laser is safe for daily use, with no side-effects. The treatment is non-invasive, and does not involve pain.
B-Cure Laser works with technology, proven in medicine. B-Cure Laser is a Class 2a medical device.
There are various devices on the market, such as Tens, ultrasound, magnets, shock-wave, infrared, etc., which are primarily designed to relieve pain. B-Cure Laser on the other hand may also treat the source of the problem.
B-Cure Laser is designed to work for many years. It is desirable to replace the three rechargeable batteries (AAA) after about eighteen months.
The diode (the component that provides the laser beam), should work for approximately ten years.
In the event of breakdown, please contact customer service.
The B-Cure Laser has a two-year warranty.
B-Cure Laser is based on soft laser, which is low power laser. It does not heat or cool, is not invasive, and is completely safe. No protective eye-wear or goggles are required.
The device should usually be charged once every few days, for approximately seven hours, or overnight, depending on the scope of use.
When the B-Cure Laser is completely charged, the letters “FULL” appear on the display. In addition, above the two right-hand digits on the display, a full, black line will appear.
When the battery’s power is low, the black line above the two right-hand digits on the display shortens. Furthermore, the batteries should be replaced once every twelve to eighteen months. It is important to make sure that they are AAA chargeable batteries!
After determining the desired spot for the treatment, the B-Cure Laser should not be moved during the treatment, until you continue to the next treatment spot.
It is preferable to place the device on the pet’s skin, not through bandage, etc., except on open wounds, which should be treated from a distance of approximately 0.5 inches from the area to be treated, in order to maintain hygiene.
It is important not to press the device too strongly against the pet’s skin, as it will stop working. The B-Cure Laser should be placed gently, and still, at a right angle to the direction of the area to be treated.
In case of acute pain, it is recommended that you wait five minutes between each treatment, and to apply treatment as many times as possible. For the treatment of long-term pain, it is recommended to conduct two or three treatments every day, and then more if it suits the patient. There is no such thing as an overdose.
The directive is intended to prevent the increase of pain, in cases where an inflammation has developed. If, after a one-and-a-half-minute treatment, no increase of pain is felt, it is recommended, for the following treatment, to go up to the full treatment protocol of six minutes, twice a day. If pain is felt, then the length of the treatment should be increased gradually, by approximately one additional minute per day, for each spot to be treated, until the full duration is reached.
For every problem, there are recommended spots for treatment. These spots appear on the clinical applications treatment map in that is available on our website and in the instructions guide. You should also feel free to consult the company’s customer service.
B-Cure Laser should not be used when it is connected to the charger.
There is no need to hold any button. You should hold down the left operating button, and, at the same time, press on the main operating button. When you let go of both buttons simultaneously, you set automatic operation of the B-Cure Laser.
Any treatment can be combined with B-Cure Laser.
Because B-Cure laser is based on soft laser technology, there is no need for any safety measures. However, the device should not be aimed directly at the eyes. Protective goggles are not required.
The warranty covers defective parts and labour. The warranty does not cover the batteries, and the charger. In any event of a fault, please contact customer service.